U.S. Waterproofing | Wet Basement Waterproofing Solves Water Problems…

Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing Solves Water Prob­lems in Ham­mond IN Homes

Mar 15, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.

Hammond Shepherd

Ham­mond IN is the largest city in Lake Coun­ty with a pop­u­la­tion of 76,000. Its devel­op­ment began with the meat­pack­ing indus­try and the city was named after the own­er of the city’s first pack­ing plant.

Out­side the imme­di­ate area, Ham­mond may be best known as the home­town of Amer­i­can humorist Jean Shep­herd whose career spanned the 1950’s to 1990’s and includ­ed radio, TV, film, short sto­ries, screen­plays and act­ing. Shep­herd often set his sto­ries in Ham­mond, thin­ly dis­guised as Homan, IN.”

Although Shepherd’s fame dimin­ished with time, he has achieved a per­ma­nent niche in the hall of fame of Amer­i­can enter­tain­ment via A Christ­mas Sto­ry,” the peren­ni­al hol­i­day favorite movie in which Ral­phie gets his BB gun and near­ly shoots his eye out. Shep­herd wrote the movie’s script, based on sev­er­al of his short sto­ries about grow­ing up in Ham­mond, and lent his avun­cu­lar tone to the film as its narrator.

Life in Ham­mond today may not be as col­or­ful as Shep­herd paint­ed it but it’s pret­ty good all the same. Ham­mond fam­i­lies live in 34,000 homes in the city, near­ly one third of which pre­date World War II and more than 80% are at least 50 years old.

Home­own­ers in a com­mu­ni­ty of old­er homes like Ham­mond are fac­ing the main­te­nance and repair prob­lems that come with aging hous­es and many of them need wet base­ment waterproofing.

Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Ham­mond Homes

Just as is done in neigh­bor­ing High­land and Dyer, homes in Ham­mond are indi­vid­u­al­ly eval­u­at­ed and diag­nosed for wet base­ment water­proof­ing ser­vices but there are sev­er­al com­mon­ly used approach­es that rem­e­dy most problems.

Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing – Mason­ry foun­da­tions, like the con­crete block com­mon in north­west Indi­ana, can seep water through bad mor­tar joints or porous mason­ry; poured con­crete foun­da­tions admit water through patch­es of porous con­crete or over the top of the foun­da­tion wall. Either of these foun­da­tions can be per­ma­nent­ly sealed by apply­ing an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane, a thick coat­ing of asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane that is trow­eled onto the wall.

When ground water is high, the mem­brane can be aug­ment­ed with exte­ri­or drain tile and cov­ered with heavy-duty drainage board that pro­tects it and chan­nels water down to the drain tile.

Inte­ri­or Drain Tile – Any base­ment can expe­ri­ence seep­age through cracks in the base­ment floor or the cove joint when hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure below the foun­da­tion forces water in. The pres­sure can be relieved and seep­age stopped by installing inte­ri­or drain tile, a sys­tem of per­fo­rat­ed pipe that is embed­ded in washed stone under the base­ment floor. The drain tile col­lects water and car­ries it to a sump pump for disposal.

Crack Repair – The most com­mon source of seep­age in a poured con­crete foun­da­tion is a non-struc­tur­al crack in the base­ment wall caused by set­tle­ment or pres­sure from over-sat­u­rat­ed soil. These cracks can be repaired per­ma­nent­ly by inject­ing them with expand­ing polyurethane, which fills and seals the crack all the way to the out­side soil. The polyurethane remains flex­i­ble after cur­ing to pre­vent re-crack­ing caused by minor foun­da­tion movement.

If the base­ment is fin­ished or the crack is oth­er­wise inac­ces­si­ble, it can be repaired on the exte­ri­or with sodi­um ben­tonite clay. A small hole is dug at the site of the crack down to the foun­da­tion foot­ings and filled with the gran­u­lar clay, which absorbs water and becomes a pli­able, per­ma­nent bar­ri­er against water.

No mat­ter what the source of the prob­lem or its rec­om­mend­ed solu­tion, a Ham­mond home­own­er who needs wet base­ment water­proof­ing will require the advice and assis­tance of a qual­i­fied base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve been help­ing home­own­ers in Chicagoland and north­west Indi­ana keep their base­ments dry since 1957, includ­ing many in Ham­mond. Why not ask for our free advice?

If you have ques­tions about wet base­ment water­proof­ing in Ham­mond, please post them in the Com­ments box below.

Tags: hammond wet basement waterproofing, wet basement waterproofing hammond, lake county basement waterproofing

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