U.S. Waterproofing | How Drain Tile Keeps Basements Dry in Oak Park,…

How Drain Tile Keeps Base­ments Dry in Oak Park, IL 6030260304

Jan 25, 2015 • By Matthew Stock.

How to Prevent Basement Water Problems in Oak Park

Oak Park, IL is one of the best known sub­urbs of Chica­go, pri­mar­i­ly because of two famous for­mer res­i­dents, one of whom def­i­nite­ly left his mark on the community.

Icon­ic Amer­i­can author Ernest Hem­ing­way grew up in Oak Park before mov­ing on to Havana, Key West and oth­er venues in which his sto­ries are set. Leg­endary archi­tect Frank Lloyd Wright lived and prac­ticed in Oak Park and built a num­ber of homes in the vil­lage that still draw thou­sands of tourists each year.

For the non-famous, how­ev­er, Oak Park is just home and more than 50,000 res­i­dents call it that. Oak Park fam­i­lies live in more than 24,000 homes in the vil­lage on the west­ern edge of Chica­go and home­own­ers there face the same main­te­nance and repair issues as home­own­ers all over the region.

In fact, homes in Oak Park may be expe­ri­enc­ing more such prob­lems because more than two-thirds of the homes there are at least 75 years old. Many old­er homes are prone to base­ment water prob­lems and, although there are a num­ber of solu­tions to these prob­lems, one that works in many cas­es is to install drain tile.

Drain Tile Keeps Base­ments Dry in Oak Park, IL

Most of the caus­es of water infil­tra­tion in Oak Park homes have to do with water under pres­sure in the soil sur­round­ing the home’s foun­da­tion. One of the most effec­tive ways of alle­vi­at­ing this pres­sure and the seep­age it caus­es is to install drain tile on either the inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or of the foun­da­tion wall.

Indi­ca­tions that exte­ri­or drain tile is need­ed are usu­al­ly some form of water seep­ing through the wall, either through bad mor­tar joints or porous con­crete, or water com­ing in over the top of the foun­da­tion wall. Exte­ri­or drain tile is typ­i­cal­ly installed along with an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane, an imper­vi­ous coat­ing applied to the out­side of a foun­da­tion wall to keep water out.

Instal­la­tion of exte­ri­or drain tile is fair­ly sim­ple. When the mem­brane has been applied, there is already an exca­va­tion down to the foot­ings and the bot­tom of this exca­va­tion is cov­ered in washed grav­el. The pip­ing, rigid, per­fo­rat­ed PVC that can with­stand soil move­ment, is installed on the grav­el bed, wrapped in a sock” of fil­tra­tion fab­ric and con­nect­ed to a sump basin. More grav­el goes on top of the pipe and the exca­va­tion is backfilled.

When water enters the base­ment through cracks in the con­crete floor or the cove joint between walls and floor, then inte­ri­or drain tile is indi­cat­ed. The water is being pushed through these open­ings and into the base­ment by hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure under the foun­da­tion and inte­ri­or drain tile will alle­vi­ate that pres­sure and remove the water.

Installing inte­ri­or drain tile begins with remov­ing a strip of the con­crete floor around the perime­ter and dig­ging out soil below it down to the base of the foot­ings. A bed of washed grav­el is cre­at­ed at the bot­tom of the trench and leveled.

The drain tile, which is not tile at all but cor­ru­gat­ed, per­fo­rat­ed plas­tic pipe, is laid on top of the grav­el and con­nect­ed at both ends to a sump basin; it is also typ­i­cal­ly cov­ered in fil­tra­tion fab­ric. The pipe is cov­ered in more washed grav­el and the con­crete floor is replaced.

The drain tile sys­tem relieves hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure by giv­ing the water an out­let and then trans­ports it to a sump pump for dis­charge from the home. Inte­ri­or drain tile should nev­er require maintenance.

When either type of drain tile has been installed, water that had been enter­ing the base­ment is divert­ed to a sump pump and the base­ment remains dry.

If an Oak Park home­own­er dis­cov­ers seep­age in his or her base­ment that may require drain tile, he or she will need the advice and ser­vices of a qual­i­fied base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve been keep­ing base­ments dry around Chicagoland since 1957 and our experts have installed lit­er­al­ly miles of drain tile on either side of the base­ment wall. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: oak park drain tile, drain tile oak park

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